I downloaded it a little while after you uploaded it and I thank you every day. I am really very grateful to you for downloading this amazing, marvellous Eng/ French version. M'sieu Degun, comme vous etes bon et gentil.
One would imagine French must be available somehow considering this is the French version but that's for someone else to find out. I imported my English user profile and speech files from the previous Premium version. Canon Lbp 1210 Driver For Windows 7 64 Bit Free Download. BUT the program is entirely in English and speech recognition is in English (I tried speaking French to it in a reasonable accent and it still produces English). In the program, clicking 'Help' then About NaturallySpeaking confirms this is the Professional Francais version. I followed the French instruction and it seems to work fine. The instructions in the Info doc are given in English and French, but are not the same (English says 'Activate Later' while French says 'Activate Now' then 'Activate Manually'. The Info doc provided says Premium rather than Pro and says it only supports English. A rather bizarre affair: - Installation is in French.
To answer my own question, I went ahead and installed. Come and download dragon naturallyspeaking absolutely for free.